2801333 - Batter Boss Batter Dispenser
2801333 - Batter Boss Batter Dispenser
- AllPoints #
- 2801333
- UPC:
- 029419888740
- Weight:
- 5.75 LBS
- Capacity (L):
- 1.42
- Capacity (oz):
- 48
- Color:
- Almond
- Height (in):
- 7.5
- Length (in):
- 6.125
- Material:
- Plastic
- Shape:
- Square
- Width (in):
- 10.875
- _MAPApplies:
- _MAPType:
- LoginForPrice
- _ProductBrand:
- Vollrath
- _SKULeadTimeMessageCode:
- 6
- _SKUProp65Flag:
- _UnitOfMeasure:
- EA
- _Velocity:
- 258.20
- Specials:
- _Category_2:
- Countertop Dispensers
- _Category_1:
- Dining Supplies
- _Leaf_Category:
- Food Dispensers
- _Category_3:
- Food Dispensers
- Migrated From:
- 21028340
- _MAPPrice:
- 127.32
- _List_Price:
- 282.94
Available Locations
Shipping Information
Out of stock, but still within reach! Order today and we'll ship as soon as possible.
- Ship Weight : 5.75 LBS.
- Capacity (L) : 1.42
- Capacity (oz) : 48
- Color : Almond
- Height (in) : 7.5
- Length (in) : 6.125
- Material : Plastic
- Shape : Square
- Width (in) : 10.875