Replacement Parts + Equipment Maintenance Help with Food Safety

Sep 20th 2022

Replacement Parts + Equipment Maintenance Help with Food Safety

If you work in the foodservice industry, you're probably already aware that September is Food Safety Education Month. When it comes to maintaining a safe workspace, however, it's not just about keeping food safe. The safety of the staff should be a top priority.

According to Avvo, 100,000 people are injured in kitchen accidents each year, and we aren't just talking about minor cuts that a bandage can fix. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 31% of injured workers miss time. Between worker's comp and OSHA fines, this can take a huge toll on businesses.

Accidents are most likely to occur when staff members are too rushed, not trained properly, or using faulty equipment. Here are the most common kitchen accidents and how to avoid them:

1. Cuts and Lacerations:

Cuts, punctures, and lacerations make up 22% of all kitchen accidents. Luckily, there are multiple ways to keep the occurrence of these common injuries to a minimum:

  • Stock up on cut-resistant gloves
  • Sharpen knife blades
  • Replace faulty blades
  • Review cutting techniques

2. Slips and Falls

Even higher, 27% of kitchen injuries are attributed to slips and falls. To keep fall risks low, consider requiring wearing of non-slip footwear and investing in rubber mats. It's also important to train kitchen staff on how to properly handle spills.

3. Burns

Faulty equipment causes nearly 61% of the 6,000+ restaurant fires reported each year. The easiest way to combat this is to inspect equipment regularly. During inspections, you should be looking out for:

  • Naked or frayed wires
  • Gas pipe or gasket leaks
  • Dirty cooking filters
  • Full grease traps

Besides regular equipment inspections, you should go over fire safety tips with staff members every once in a while. Topics to discuss include avoiding loose clothing, how to use a fire extinguisher, and how to safely store flammable materials.

Stocking up on safety supplies, maintaining equipment, and training teams will minimize the risk of kitchen injuries. Get what you need to keep the kitchen safe today at AllPoints.